Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mickeys <3

My Life .

Musick !!

Sorry, If I post a shit load of music Haha I just love music and I want my blog readers to stay in tune with what I am listening to Currently.
I aint sprung - Wale
nahh,I Aint Sprung
mrs.officer - Lil WayneCome,arrest me mrs.officerr!
Tongue Song (Dirty) - Trina
This song is so funny. I heard it on a girls myspace months ago and it makes me crack up Haha.It reminds me of that song "Put it in your mouth" by akinyelle lol another thing about this song is it's so true Haha No homo.

Animal House

So, I watched Animal House last night and I must say it has to be one of the best movies, I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. The storyline,college antics,pervertedness,classic humor,characters and soundtrack are top notch.I highly recommend it.And This is coming from Rico a professional Critic :)

I feel that this picture is so aesthetically pleasing and good natured. I can only hope when I enter college in a few years that I can create unforgettable memories like these men ;].I mean come on,it's the best time of your life!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hyori Lee x Beyonce

She's too bomb to be mad at her...Haha but she needs to leave the dancing to beyonce.

Wish List

I dont usually digg The Hundreds, But their upcoming project with disney looks way to sick to miss out on.

I need Oakley shades before their hyped out!!;]

And Of course the sickest phone ever made...the Blackberry Storm <3.

Back When We Were kids...

Good Ol' memories before shit was fucked up .

George Carlin Was The Greatest...

Lauren And I

Are So Cool .

Fairfax Lion....Pride !

Fairfax is hands down the best school..We're in the Center of Los Angeles..We're on Melrose with the fashion stores,Tomatoe Pie, Pinks,Supreme, HOF, Brooklyn Projects,American Vintage, Oki Dog, The Hundreds, Barracuda. We Got Bomb Black,Asian, and Latina's.Our basketball team is #1 sponsores by Lebron James . We have our own Flea Market every sunday.Chill ass teachers and Our Leadership is bomb throwing bomb pep rallies.We have Beverly Center, The Grove and Pan Pacific right next door to chill at. And we get free exclusive fits because we're the shit. So, next time people talk SHIT about fairfax remember you have to come to fairax to buy OUR SHIT haha .

Friday, November 28, 2008

Art of The Day...

Sickk ass foo !

I'm All About The Real ..Fuck the Fakes.

Song of the week <3

Oh and !

If you were wondering where I will be learning my shit . =]

Qoute of the day

"The secret of success is consistency of purpose."

- Benjamin Disraeli


Choreo is the new hype . I hope to be able to do this by the end of 09 .

and this if of course .

Fallout 3

is Bomb .


christmas is almost here <3

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My President Is Black.

Unless you live under a rock or completely oblivious to basic shattering information. Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States..The First African-American President and not, just a President for African Americans but, for all people , for all Americans.

Bump it, you know it's too bomb.